Google Maps
- width : The width of the map generated
- height : The height of the map generated
- address: Address on which the viewport will be centered.
- latitude: Point on which the viewport will be centered.
- longitude: Same as above but for longitude…
- zoom: Zoom value from 1 to 19 where 19 is the greatest and 1 the smallest.
- html: Content that will be shown within the bubble window for this marker.
- popup: If true the info window for this marker will be shown when the map finished loading. If “html” is empty this option will be ignored.
- controls: A simple array of string values representing the function names (without “()”) to add controls. Please refer to the Google Maps API for possible values. If empty the default map controls will be applied.
- scrollwheel: Set to false to disable zooming with your mouses scrollwheel. If “controls” is not set this option will be ignored (because default map controls are applied).
- maptype: Predefined variable for setting the map type. Please refer to the Google Maps API for possible values.
- marker: Set to false to disable display a marker in the viewport.
[h3]Simple Map With Marker[/h3]
[gmap latitude="52.479614" longitude="-1.902582"]
[h3]Different Map Tyle[/h3]
[gmap latitude="52.479614" longitude="-1.902582" maptype="G_PHYSICAL_MAP" marker="false"]
[h3]Map With Different Controls[/h3]
[gmap latitude="52.479614" longitude="-1.902582" controls="false" scrollwheel="false" marker="false"]
[h3]Map With Marker And Info Window[/h3]
[gmap latitude="52.479614" longitude="-1.902582" html="Birmingham UK" popup="true" zoom="10"]
[h3]Map With Address[/h3]
[gmap address="Birmingham UK" html="Birmingham UK" zoom="10"]